New Director of Acceleration & Investor Relations strengthens INCUBA's startup environment
Prior to joining INCUBA, Jacob has contributed significantly to the development of Agro Business Park and, since 2020, the national cluster, Food and Bio Cluster. His efforts have not only pushed the national agenda of turning research into green business, but have also involved coaching numerous startups and facilitating successful investments both through soft funding and from private investors.
For the past four years, Jacob has been responsible for the day-to-day running of entrepreneurship and incubation activities, primarily at Agro Business Park in Foulum, but also at Agro Food Park in Aarhus and at Symbion in Copenhagen.
We look forward to Jacob Mogensen, who holds a Cand. Merc. International Business, brings experience with the Danish business promotion system to his new role as Director of Acceleration & Investor Relations at INCUBA.
When asked about his expectations for the new role, Jacob says: "I am very excited to join INCUBA and especially work with INCUBA StartupLab, investors and mentors. I look forward to contributing to making the environment even stronger and bringing my competences into play, especially in the soft funding area. My philosophy for startups is a bit like Team Denmark's: We need to have the breadth to get the elite. And I'm really looking forward to putting that into play here at INCUBA."
INCUBA looks forward to utilising Jacob's expertise and commitment to strengthen the innovation environment and support entrepreneurship in the region. We wish Jacob Mogensen a warm welcome to INCUBA!