MultiBiopsy: Optimising lung biopsies with innovative technology

MultiBiopsy was founded by Kristian Horsager, MD and CEO, driven by an ambition to improve the lung biopsy process.

With a focus on CT-guided lung biopsies, the company has developed an innovative biopsy gun that can optimise the diagnosis of lung cancer. Together with William Ludvigsen, process and innovation engineer from DTU, Kristian has refined the design to improve results for lung radiologists. The biopsy gun makes it easier to take precise tissue samples, especially from small and hard-to-reach nodules, and is an important step towards better diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer.

MultiBiopsy has also developed a training phantom that simulates realistic lung biopsy scenarios. This manikin helps radiologists refine their techniques, which can lead to more accurate examinations and fewer patient complications. Their core focus is now on the further development of a patented biopsy needle that can improve the efficiency of lung biopsies.

Part of INCUBA: Growth, networks and opportunities

Being part of INCUBA has had a major impact on MultiBiopsy's development. According to Kristian Horsager, the transition from a home office to a professional environment has given them access to important tools and resources to scale the business. ‘INCUBA gives us a lot of tools to improve the scaling process, they help us and want us to become something. We are part of something bigger, where you can spar with each other,’ says Kristian.

MultiBiopsy has also become part of INCUBA StartupLab through Innovation Fund Denmark's Innofo sub-programme and has also received funding from Beta Health. With access to networks and events such as Gin & Tech, the company has been able to test their prototype and present their solutions to investors and partners. William Ludvigsen emphasises that INCUBA's environment acts as a ‘sandbox for development’ where they can test their hypotheses and build their technology in a flexible setting that can adapt to the company's growth.

Read more about MultiBiopsy here.