INCUBA StartupLab's SkipConnect links data science students and companies
The two co-founders of SkipConnect, Thomas Lykke Rasmussen and Mads Emil Marker Jungersen, are both studying data science. In 2021, they went on an exchange programme to South Korea and discovered that they had a common interest in data science and deep learning. However, they both missed the opportunity to take full ownership of the many data science tasks. Today, both founders make a point in helping students find companies and applying theory to practice.
SkipConnect specialises in deep learning. Deep learning is a technology based on configuring algorithms that simulate human intelligence. Normally, human understanding is required to understand speech, recognise images or make decisions, but SkipConnect uses the technology behind deep learning and artificial intelligence to optimise companies' software and gain a deeper understanding of the company's data.
"One example of a customer is the company Siana. Siana uses machine learning to help manufacturing companies maintain their machines. Here, we have examined and optimised their current data pipeline and incorporated some of the latest methods in artificial intelligence. In addition, we hire data-interested students as consultants to help companies get the best out of their data," says Thomas Lykke Rasmussen.
SkipConnect became part of INCUBA StartupLab in 2022: "Having our first office has given us the necessary surroundings and space to solve the tasks we are given. In addition, INCUBA's StartupLab has given us the opportunity to participate in a number of exciting events such as Gin & Tech and Aarhus Investor Summit. These two events have given us the opportunity to practise our pitch skills, which has resulted in new customers," says Thomas Lykke Rasmussen. One of the co-founders also says that being part of INCUBA's StartupLab has offered fruitful sparring and help from other companies with several years of experience.
The data science and deep learning industry are developing rapidly, which is why SkipConnect is looking forward to a year of growth: "During 2022, we will have both founded the company and tested our concept. We must therefore continue our journey and solve more tasks, develop our company and activate even more talented data science enthusiasts," says Thomas Lykke Rasmussen.