From two to 18 employees - BioXpedia celebrates its 5th anniversary
"The shutdown came at a time when we were completely ready for the growth and development of our services. But we have both been extremely ready for change at the same time that we have had the courage to go with our customers into new analysis tasks, such as e.g. setting up a cell laboratory and investing in new ground-breaking analyzes within protein biomarkers," says CEO Mogens Kruhøffer.
And that is not the only success story that BioXpedia can boast of. The research laboratory, which provides laboratory analyses for research projects, has gone from 2 employees in April 2017 to 18 employees in April 2022.
"Our employees' backgrounds are laboratory technicians who are experts in laboratory analyses, or graduates in biology, human biology and molecular biology who have worked with research and project management," says Mogens Kruhøffer and adds:
"Our expertise and experience mean that we can offer both classic and completely new analyzes within the set time and cost frameworks, and in this way, we help research projects with quality data and faster progress towards goals."
Optimum framework in INCUBA – both physical and professional
As part of INCUBA's life science environment in Skejby, BioXpedia has not only had the optimal physical framework but also the opportunity to be part of a professionally relevant community.
"As a company in INCUBA, we have had the opportunity to expand our physical framework, both with new laboratories and offices as the need arose. We are also happy about the good common framework that exists in INCUBA because clinical researchers and biotech companies have their way here and it is a fantastic network to be part of," says Mogens Kruhøffer and elaborates:
"At BioXpedia, we want to continue to be part of both clinical research, life science and biotech, which are sprouting up in many places, e.g. here in Aarhus, and we get that in INCUBA.”
Big visions for the next five years
Since BioXpedia's first multiplex protein analysis in 2017, the research laboratory has provided DNA, RNA and protein analyses in more than 240 research projects in close collaboration with researchers. And the visions for the next five years are big. BioXpedia must continue to be a key player in laboratory analysis, which helps both public and private research on the way to new and better treatment options. But the visions don't stop here. The outlook is also global:
"In 5 years, we are convinced that there will be even more research groups, biotech and pharmaceutical companies, both locally in Aarhus and Denmark, but also on a European level, that use our laboratory as a close collaboration partner. We are happy about the opportunities and challenges we have encountered in the first five years in BioXpedia, which have helped us develop our services for the research environment. Celebrating our 5th anniversary is a major milestone for us, and we look forward to all new research projects and opportunities," says Mogens Kruhøffer.
Read more about BioXpedia