A wide range of capital partners in INCUBA

A wide range of capital partners in INCUBA

INCUBA attracts a wide range of capital partners to our community such as:

  • Business angels
  • Venture funds
  • Soft funding
  • Family offices
  • Corporate venture funds

At INCUBA’s events such as the pitch event Gin & Tech and the Aarhus Investor Summit, investors get the opportunity to meet investment-ready cases.

Here, both startups, scaleups and spinouts pitch to a wide audience of investors who play a crucial role in providing capital to the companies at INCUBA.

INCUBA unites academia, business & funding

I have a big heart for both Aarhus and the startup community in Aarhus. It is my ambition to make a difference for the startup community and bring Aarhus up to the level the city deserves to be at when it comes to entrepreneurship. 

This can succeed in INCUBA, which is the perfect platform to unite academia, business and funding.

- Poul Carstensen, Investor og Business Angel

(Photo: Hans Christian Jacobsen for Børsen)

Investors play a crucial role in providing capital to the companies in INCUBA, enabling growth, innovation and scaling. The financial support, combined with their experience and networks, helps accelerate the growth and success of the companies they invest in.

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