Boost your startup’s success with INCUBA StartupLab – a 12-month accelerator programme within IT/tech, cleantech and life science

As a specially selected startup in the IT/tech, cleantech and life science verticals, you will have a unique opportunity to participate in our 12-month accelerator programme.

We offer the latest knowledge, crucial collaboration opportunities and important contacts to boost your business.

As part of INCUBA, you’ll be surrounded by industry leaders and related industries that can help strengthen your business.

Our experienced Director of Acceleration and Investor Relations will welcome you at the start of the programme and together, we will review expectations and milestones for the next 12 months.

As a founder of a startup in INCUBA, you get access to a number of benefits:

    • Personalised sparring and coaching in capital strategy, investor presentations, pitch training and business plans
    • Flexible ‘on-demand’ support – INCUBA Advice
    • Access to our experienced mentor network
    • Being part of a strong community of other founders
    • Participating in INCUBA events with a focus on relationship building and investor exposure

    Send us your application

    If you're interested in joining INCUBA StartupLab, please fill out an application and email it to Lars Louring.

    We look forward to hearing from you.

    Introducing INCUBA StartupLab Build

    A customised initiative for sustainable construction startups in collaboration with Søren Jensen og Aarhus Center for Regenerativt Byggeri. The programme offers 12 months free rent sponsored by Søren Jensen A/S, ongoing sparring and access to a strong community in INCUBA.


    INCUBA wants us to succeed

    ‘It's super cool to go from being a bit amateurish in your own home to being part of a professional environment with your own office. INCUBA gives us a lot of tools to improve the scaling process, helps us and wants us to become something. We are part of something bigger, where you can spar with each other and where there is someone who can help you facilitate the contacts you need and help you further.’

    - Kristian Horsager, co-founder of MultiBiopsy

    More than a co-working space

    INCUBA StartupLab has already helped over 300 companies through our accelerator programme. Among these, 8% were direct spinouts from Aarhus University. Over half of the participants had a Master’s degree, 10% had a PhD., and 21% had female founders. Most importantly, 59% of these startups are still active companies today.

    (Based on a survey in the period 2007 – 2019.)

    At INCUBA StartupLab, you get more than just co-working space. We offer an inspiring environment where you can collaborate and network with other founders. You’ll have access to all of INCUBA’s exciting events, such as networking breakfasts, Thursday bars and pitch events that allow you to expand your network and connect you with potential partners and investors. Both our professional and social events are designed to create a strong sense of community and allow you to share experiences and gain valuable insights.

    As part of INCUBA StartupLab, you also get access to our extensive mentor network. We match you with experienced mentors based on your specific needs and challenges. Their expertise and guidance will help you make the right decisions and accelerate your growth.

    The perfect workplace

    Our hubs are located at attractive locations in Aarhus and provide you with the perfect workplace and all the necessary facilities, including canteen, reception, cleaning services and much more. We’ve created an environment where you can focus on developing your business while we take care of the practicalities.

    INCUBA StartupLab offers a rolling enrolment, so you can start at any time and benefit from our support and resources. You’ll have access to one-on-one coaching and mentoring with our Director of Acceleration & Investor Relations, who can help you with key areas such as funding strategy, business plan, term sheet review, investor presentation and introduction to investors. We’re here to help you strengthen your business and achieve your growth goals.

    Incuba bomærke


    Betterhands ApS

    Betterhands ApS

    INCUBA -

    Betterhands er en rekrutteringsvirksomhed med base i Aarhus, som hjælper industrivirksomheder med at tiltrække tekniske kandidater igennem betalte annoncer på sociale medier.
    Coana ApS

    Coana ApS

    INCUBA Katrinebjerg

    We're developing a set of principles for better open-source vulnerability workflows. We call it "Open Source Vulnerability Management With Less Resources and More Impact," and it's a work in progress that we'd love your opinion on.
    Fauna ApS

    Fauna ApS

    INCUBA Navitas

    Fauna er den digitale sundhedsbog-app til kæledyrsejere, der samler sundhedsoplysninger ét sted og erstatter fysiske dokumenter. Vi forbinder kæledyrsejere, dyrlæger og foreninger, så vaccinationer, forsikringer og andre vigtige data er lige ved hånden.
    Inviro ApS

    Inviro ApS

    INCUBA Navitas

    Din partner i at optimere- og gøre bygninger energieffektive Vi tror på, at den mest bæredygtige energi er den energi, du ikke bruger. Derfor kan Inviro-appen identificere, beregne og prioritere energiprojekter i bygninger og tekniske installationer gennem innovativ teknologi og omfattende beregninger. Det er derfor vores motto: “Grøn omstilling drevet af teknologi”.
    MultiBiopsy ApS

    MultiBiopsy ApS

    INCUBA Katrinebjerg

    Never Another ApS

    Never Another ApS

    INCUBA Navitas

    At NEVER ANOTHER we create made to measure wirefree bras. Utilising personal body measurements, our size-algorithm customizes our bra design to fit the individual, allowing us to offer the best possible fit and comfort.
    Nspire ApS

    Nspire ApS

    INCUBA Navitas

    Vi udvikler en AI software, der automatiserer linkbuilding. Vi tilbyder digitale strategi, automatiseret rapportering i Power BI, automatisering af manuelle processer i Power Automate, digital marketing og web-udvikling.
    PhoneStamp ApS

    PhoneStamp ApS

    INCUBA Katrinebjerg

    Med PhoneStamp får du din egen app, som kan hjælpe dig med at opbygge og styrke varige relationer til dine kunder.
    Re-Claim ApS

    Re-Claim ApS

    INCUBA Navitas

    Hos re-claim er vores filosofi at integrere det menneskeskabte med naturen. Ved at anvende biobaserede materialer til at skabe bygninger, efterligner vi naturens unikke processer og kvaliteter. Gennem re-claim’s cirkulære barkpanel kan arkitekter, designere og private forbrugere opnå en naturlig æstetik, der både tiltaler visuelt og funktionelt. Barkpanelerne er naturligt modstandsdygtige over for vejrpåvirkninger, hvilket gør dem til et ideelt valg for fremtidens byggeri. Brug dem som facade, og oplev levende vægge, der interagerer med naturen og bidrager til et sundere klima – både inde og ude. Vores barkpaneler, fremstillet af træaffald, bringer naturens skønhed ind i bygninger og skaber positive aftryk på miljøet. Hver bygning, der anvender vores barkpaneler, bidrager til en mere bæredygtig fremtid, hvor materialer får nyt liv i en naturlig cyklus. Hos re-claim forvandler vi restmaterialer til værdifulde ressourcer, der fremmer et sundere miljø og ansvarsfuld ressourceudnyttelse.
    Team Driver ApS

    Team Driver ApS

    INCUBA Navitas

    Team Driver er en social netværksapp designet til transportbranchen. Vi arbejder for at forbedre trivsel og arbejdsmiljø for transportbranchen gennem teknologi og fællesskab.
    Zeta Diagnostics ApS

    Zeta Diagnostics ApS

    INCUBA Navitas

    Zeta Diagnostics is a medtech startup building an audio player that allows physicians to diagnose middle ear problems before they turn into serious complications.

    Access to investors and close dialogue with other companies

    Through networking events at INCUBA, we have gained access to a number of investors that we would not have met otherwise. In particular, we saw a lot of interest after our presentation at the Aarhus Investor Summit in the autumn of 2022.

    Another unique aspect of INCUBA is that we can have such close dialogue with other companies in the INCUBA community. INCUBA made their expertise and network available to us, and this has opened a number of doors for us; Greenlab Skive, among others, has been a really good partner.

    Rune Bloom, CTO at Crestwing


    Network, foundation and scaling

    "INCUBA has given us a solid base in an otherwise uncertain everyday life, but also a good network and foundation for scaling our business. We use INCUBA for sparring with their employees, but also to have a place to stay and create an everyday life around our company. We have gone from having a very early prototype and no commercial customers to today having an almost fully developed product and 20 customers in the pipeline, which we will start testing very soon. I would recommend INCUBA because we get more than just an office space."

    - Andreas Stensig, co-founder of RoboE

    Inspiration for investor pitch deck

    • Executive summary: Your entire pitch deck on one slide
    • Problem: Describe the problem
    • Solution: What is your solution and how does it stand out?
    • Market: Customer types, market size, geography
    • Business model: How do you build your business and how do you make money?
    • Organisation: Briefly describe the team, board and advisory board
    • Roadmap, timeline and milestone: What have you achieved so far and what is the plan for the next 12-36 months?
    • The competition: Who, how many and why are you the best? Assess competitors based on key parameters
    • Financials: 2-5 years forecast of expenses, investments and revenue so you can communicate a capital requirement and expected burn rate
    • Capitalisation: Describe what you need (capital, resources, etc.), how far it will last and what the money will be spent on
    Call or write us to learn more about acceleration and your options at INCUBA.

    Lars Louring

    Head of Acceleration