Trump at the helm in the US
The US is Denmark's largest export market with trade totalling DKK 290 billion in 2023, equivalent to 15% of Denmark's total exports. With Donald Trump just inaugurated as president, we are facing significant changes that could have a major impact on Danish companies.
Hear how Maersk, the world's largest shipping company, is navigating a changing US and hear their experiences with the new geopolitical realities.
DI has had a local presence in the US for more than 15 years and has in-depth experience with the US market. Gain insight into how your company can capitalise on the many opportunities in the US and get support from DI to tackle the challenges.
We conclude with a live update from DR journalist Philip Khokhar directly from the US.
The day will be moderated by Gitte Bastian, news anchor at TV2 Østjylland.
Time: Tuesday 4 February at 14:00-17:00
Location: INCUBA Katrinebjerg, 18th floor
Registration: Here
14:00-14:10 Welcome and introduction
v. Annette Christensen, Head of DI in Aarhus
14:10-14:45 Geopolitical overview: What does Trump's USA mean for Danish companies?
v. Peter Bay Kirkegaard, Senior Consultant, Confederation of Danish Industry
14:45-15:15 Break
15:15-16:00 How your company can capitalise on opportunities in the US
16:00-16:30 Maersk on expectations for the new world trade
v. Mikael Gutman, Managing Director for APM in Terminals in the Nordics
16:30-17:00 Live update from the US with Philip Khokhar
Team call with DR journalist Philip Khokhar for the latest update from the US after Trump's inauguration.
17:00 Thank you for today.