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Side Event - Townhall

Investor - How you can share your risk with government funds and get more innovation and growth for your money.

The event also serves as a pre-event for Aarhus Townhall.

Have you also heard about cases that receive grants from Innovation Fund Denmark and EIFO and thereby pave the way for more innovation and growth for your money? Are you curious about the opportunities for you and your current or future investment cases? 

Then come to a workshop with Innovation Fund Denmark, EIFO and Incuba. Hear about the concrete opportunities, understand the connection between soft and hard money, and learn from other investors' experiences. You can also meet a company that has ‘gone all the way’. 

The Innovation Fund Denmark and EIFO schemes ensure that more knowledge is tested and more founders dare to embark on startup adventures. But the schemes are also relevant for investors. When used correctly, the interaction between government funding and your investments becomes a powerful engine for innovation and growth - with lower risk and greater potential for return.

So if you're in town anyway, or if you're just curious about the area, sign up here. 

Spaces are limited - so hurry up and register.

The deadline for registration is 6 October at 12 noon.


13.00 Arrival and networking
13.15 Welcome, today's theme and round table v/Jacob Mogensen
13.30 Status of offers under the auspices of Innovation Fund Denmark v/Anne Sofie Dahlmann
13.40 Status of offers under the auspices of EIFO v/Søren Grønbæk
13.50 Case 1 - Founder perspective
           Workfeed v/Jimmy Engelbrecht Sørensen
14.15 Case 2 - Investor perspective
           Decameal v/Mikkel Skorkjær Kongsfelt
14.55 Rounding up
15.00 Thank you for today
Opportunity for networking + possible joint departure to Townhall (starts at 17.00)
Departure to investor event at Founderment/Start up Aarhus (start at 15.30)