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Founders' Club

Mona Juul, Chairman of the Conservative Party, will give a political update from Borgen. She will also touch on business and entrepreneurship during her presentation. As always, there will be plenty of time for questions and networking.

Mark your calendar for 27 August 2024, when INCUBA Founders' Club invites you to a lunch event in INCUBA Navitas, 6th floor, Slæbebådene.

Date: 27/8 2024 at 12.00-14.00

Location: INCUBA Navitas, Inge Lehmanns Gade 10, 6th floor (Slæbebådene), 8000 Aarhus C


12.00: Arrival & Networking
12.15: What's hot right now
13.00: Mona Juul, Party Chairman of the Conservatives & MF, gives a political status from Borgen. She will of course also talk about business and entrepreneurship during her presentation.
13.30: Questions
14.00: Thank you for today

We look forward to seeing you and hope to see many of you.

The event is only for INCUBA business leaders